Ten Psalms in Reports for four and five voices


Edited by Kenneth Elliott

Published by the Musica Scotica Trust 2002. 26pp.

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Edited by Kenneth Elliott

Published by the Musica Scotica Trust 2002. 26pp.

Discounts available for trade orders and Musica Scotica subscribers: please contact us

Edited by Kenneth Elliott

Published by the Musica Scotica Trust 2002. 26pp.

Discounts available for trade orders and Musica Scotica subscribers: please contact us

'This collection of psalms "in reports" represents perhaps a small fraction of what must have been an extensive repertory of this type of composition from the early years of the Reformation in Scotland, roughly the period 1560 to 1635. The title simply means an imitative setting for several voices of a particular psalm tune.'




Editorial Note




  • Psalm 3: O lord how mont enemies have I (John Black)

  • Psalm 6: Lord in thy wrath reprove mee not (Andrew Kemp)

  • Psalm 12: Helpe, Lord, for good and godly men (Andrew Melvill)

  • Psalm 18: O God my strength and fortitude (Andrew Blackhall)

  • Psalm 21: O Lord, how joyful is the kind (Andrew Melvill)

  • Psalm 67: Our God that is Lord (John Angus)

  • Psalm 116: I love the Lord, because my voice (Edward Millar)

  • Psalm 120: In trouble and in thrall (Edward Millar)

  • Psalm 128: Blessed art thou that dearest God (John Buchan)

  • Psalm 137: When as we sat in Babylon (Andrew Blackhall)

Emily Doolittle: Playing 2
Musica Scotica Vol VIII: Robert Johnson - Relieve Us O Lord [download]
Kenneth Elliott: The Paisley Abbey Fragments
Margaret Wilson and David Griffith: Thomas Wilson - Introit: Towards the Light
Lyell Cresswell: Divagations, Doodlings and Downright Lies