Audio services
Have you found old cassettes in the attic that you would love to listen to again?
Needing to save space and keep your audio files neatly on CDs?
We can help save your collection of recordings.
At the Scottish Music Centre we offer high-quality audio transfer services tailored to your specific listening needs.
How it works
We can transfer sound recordings in a wide range of formats onto CD or USB drive in .wav or .mp3 format.
These include:
audio cassette
micro - and mini-cassettes (used in dictaphones) (but not the cassettes used in a Grundig Stenorette)
vinyl (33rpm and 45rpm).
(We are unable to transfer recordings on quarter-inch (reel-to-reel) tape at present).
We can digitise straight transfers (a single, unedited file per side of tape or record) or, for an additional charge, we can also edit the file, split it into multiple files corresponding to each song or item on the tape or record). We regret we cannot undertake to restore or enhance the quality of poor-quality recordings.
Our customers have included Scottish Ballet, Glasgow University, National Piping Centre, Culture Perth and Kinross, Wick Society, National Youth Orchestras of Scotland and Wild Goose Publications. But much of our work is for individuals who come to us with old recordings of family occasions or of bands they used to play in.