Cameron Sinclair: Oreiad [download]


Work for percussion and piano, composed 2020.

Computer typeset score (17p) and percussion part (8p).

Percussion required: temple blocks, marimba, vibraphone.

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Work for percussion and piano, composed 2020.

Computer typeset score (17p) and percussion part (8p).

Percussion required: temple blocks, marimba, vibraphone.

Work for percussion and piano, composed 2020.

Computer typeset score (17p) and percussion part (8p).

Percussion required: temple blocks, marimba, vibraphone.

To the ancient Greeks, all natural phenomena were a manifestation of the divine; elements of nature were merely the visible embodiment of the many deities contained within. The mythological nymphs Oreiadeswere the spirits of trees, woods, groves and mountain forests.

The opening of the piece brings the woody warmth of a marimba together with the resonance of a piano in its lowest register to create a dark, mysterious texture. Gradually, the movement becomes more capricious, reflecting the pursuit of the Oreiad Pitys by Pan, god of the mountain wilds, nature and rustic music. She rejects his advances and is transformed into a pine tree.

Throughout the piece the marimba and piano are closely intertwined with phrases being foreshadowed and echoed with the sustain of the piano amplifying the resonance of the marimba. The word ‘echo’ comes from the story of the Oreiad Ekho, who was condemned only to repeat the words of others. After rejection by the self-obsessed youth Narcissus, she fled back to the mountains where she faded away, leaving only the faint remnants of her voice behind.

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