Rory Boyle: Arrivals and Departures [download]


Computer typeset score (9pp) in PDF format for immediate download.

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Computer typeset score (9pp) in PDF format for immediate download.

Computer typeset score (9pp) in PDF format for immediate download.

Set of four pieces for piano (2008).

“Each of the 4 short pieces which make up this set commemorates the birth or death of a relative or friend and all are in a consciously tonal idiom. Pour Beatrice (based on the notes Bb E A C E) and Berceuse for Bertie mark the birth of my two grandchildren (the French titles referring to their paternal nationality) whilst Elegy on FS (based entirely around the notes F and Eb )is a little tribute to the composer Frank Spedding who was my first composition professor and became a dear friend. The final piece Flying marks the death of my Spitfire Pilot cousin who was so kind to me during his life. “ - Rory Boyle

  • Pour Beatrice

  • Elegy on FS (In Memory of Frank Spedding)

  • Berceuse for Bertie

  • Flying

As featured on Rory Boyle: Solo Piano Music (Delphian DCD34098) performed by James Willshire.

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