Musica Scotica Vol I: The Complete Works of Robert Carver and Two Anonymous Masses


Edited by Kenneth Elliott

University of Glasgow Music Department Publications, 2000


ISBN 0 952 8212 0 6

Discounts available for trade orders and Musica Scotica subscribers: please contact us.

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Edited by Kenneth Elliott

University of Glasgow Music Department Publications, 2000


ISBN 0 952 8212 0 6

Discounts available for trade orders and Musica Scotica subscribers: please contact us.

Edited by Kenneth Elliott

University of Glasgow Music Department Publications, 2000


ISBN 0 952 8212 0 6

Discounts available for trade orders and Musica Scotica subscribers: please contact us.

Musica Scotica is a new series of scholarly editions of Early Scottish Music, published under the general editorship of Dr Kenneth Elliott. Volume I contains the surviving five Masses and two motets of the sixteenth-century Scottish composer, Robert Carver. In addition, two anonymous Masses are included that may be attributed to him.

Offprints are also available (and will be added to our shop soon).

Musica Scotica Vol V: Fifty Seventeenth-Century Scots Songs for solo voice and continuo [download]
Hearing Heritage [download]
Kenneth Elliott: The Paisley Abbey Fragments
Mass: Deus Creator omnium for four voices [download]
Musica Scotica Vol VIII: Robert Johnson - Laudes Deo [download]